Friday, August 14, 2009

Hotlanta, A Few Things Syracuse and Last Reflections

They don't call it Hotlanta for nothin.

In a season that didn't look too promising and a club that was on the verge of both greatness and disaster, my Atlanta Braves have crawled out of their 4-year hiatus of NL East failures, and have started to make some noise among the likes of the Phillies and Marlins. With Tim Hudson coming back presumably sometime this month, and the young Tommy Hanson being every bit as good as advertised, I feel it will be the finest pitching rotation in the division, even better than Philly's with the edition of Cliff Lee and the young fireballers in Florida capped by Jason Johnson. With a big series win in L.A. this weekend, Atlanta has returned home and swepped a Nationals team that had won 9 in a row, and opens a clutch series tonight against the first-place Phils, a team Atlanta trails by just 5 games. Call me crazy, but I think Bobby Cox and Frank Wren still have a few tricks up there sleeves for Fall baseball...

Now, on to my upcoming junior year at Syracuse. It's starting to reach that point in my "career" in which I will have to start making some serious decisions as to what I want to do this year. No question, I will continue to involve myself heavily in Citrus Tv, as I am hosting "Cuse Countdown," winner of Best Show at Citrus last year. Also, I will continue to sharpen my skills in the radio medium as I follow in the legacy of Bob Costas, Mike Tirico and Marv Albert with the rest of the best sportwriters my age at WAER Radio Syracuse. However, some internship opportunities have opened up, whether it's news channel 9, something Newhouse related or even a small Golf Channel/ESPN gig. Time will tell what I do in this predicament, and I hope I will have the audacity of making something of "go" at this...

Now, as my summer job at the Corning Museum of Glass winds down, I'd just like to say I thoroughly enjoyed working here. Whether it was serving tourists (or making fun of them at times), making my own glass or gossiping with all the temps. at lunch hour who seem to be going through a mid-life crisis, it was an enjoyable experience. It made me realize just how lucky I am to be pursuing a career as great as journalism, but one that has also made me appreciate certain things when I go on vacations, having served in the tourism business. Making a nice little lump-sum of money, and playing some golf here and there with the occassional casual beer, has me very satisfied and content heading back to the Hill for the Fall semester.

Now, to completely Copyright fraught Family Guy, it's time for a segment of "What Really Grinds My Gears." It's been a while since I've done a segment similar to this, so here it goes. What really grinds my gears is when Chicago Cubs fans cannot hold their beer. I mean, COME ON!!! I mean, yes, I hate the Phillies too, being a Braves fan. But the Flyin' Hawaiian, or any player for that matter, does not deserve a beer to be thrown on him when catching a fly ball. As an outfielder in my playing days, it would've taken a lot to hold me back from at least confronting the guy. There's a difference between a rivalry, and disrespecting the rivalry, and I know that I'd be SHOCKED if ANY Braves fan were to do that, even if it was Victorino or Beltran out there. Come on Chicago, just because you haven't won a World Series in a century, doesn't mean you have to take it out on the team that did it last year. No, you can't blame it on Bartman, nor can you say the Ivy made you do it, nor can you also say it was because Zambrano broke the gatorade cooler. I guess it's just another one of those Wrigley Field moments for fans that still haven't come to terms with how unfortunate their franchise is.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ortiz, Manny, the Braves and...College Football?

Oh boy.

Miguel Tejada. Roger Clemens. Barry Bonds. Now Big Papi, David Ortiz. It seems like every month now, a new superstar is revealed to have used PED's or a banned substance. I mean, come on already. Why doesn't everyone who has taken some sort of drug, whether it be Tylenol or a Balco. drug, just come up and say it now. I mean, yes, these guys are supposed to be role models, but when almost every superstar has used the same method, it's just not a big deal anymore. Everyone pretty much knew Ortiz was using, granted his sharp decline over the past year. I know it's tainting the game and all that jazz, but I'd rather you come clean, not do it again, and keep doing what this country loves to see done: the game of baseball. As for Manny, he's done his time, so I'm gonna cut him some slack.

To my Braves, let's just the Wild Card is within flying distance. With the Phils landing Lee, I think we have a legit shot at taking the wildcard. With one of the finest starting rotations in the NL and a great closer in Rafael Soriano, the Braves bats are what needs to come through. With a great series win in Milwaukee, then a series loss in Florida, it comes now to a big home stand against the Dodgers to see where Hotlanta is headed.

Now, it's almost August, and college football is lurking. You got 2010 National Champions in 2009 the Florida Gators returning everyone, a USC team who I would love to see Florida play, a new coach in Central New York's sport's team, and a Big Ten Conference that could be won by five teams. I want reactions, and predictions for this coming season.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009 All-Star Game

Well, what can I say...the N.L. should be labeled the National Losers.

12-0-1. Digest that. 12-0-1. That seems like a hockey rivalry lopsided. But nope. The American League's dominance over the N.L. just keeps on rolling along. Whether it's late wins, like it has been the last few years thanks to guys like Adam Jones, Vladimir Guerrero, Michael Young and, of course, Mariano the Great, the National League cannot buy win.

Let's look at the game two nights ago.
Tim Lincecum, last year's Cy Young award winner, lets up two runs in two innings of work.
Albert Pujols commits an error for a run and goes 0-3 in his own ballpark.
Heath Bell gets the loss even though everyone could see it coming.

I think the only thing bad the A.L. did was not to play first time all-star Tim Wakefield. Other than that, it's what was expected from the A.L. Timely hitting, with a 7-8-9 inning rotation of Jonathan Papelbon, Joe Nathan and Marioano Rivera. The N.L. was basically done after the sixth inning. I don't even know what to say, as I'll see Francoeur in a Mets uniform for the first time tonight since leaving Hot-lanta.

-D-Mosc out.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sheed, McNair and Roddick

Well, this weekend had it's ups and downs in terms of action.

I'll start with the late Steve McNair. If there was a more underrated quarterback than air McNair, then let me know. A three time Pro Bowler and missing a Super Bowl ring by one yard, McNair was a quaterback who could do it all. Scramble, throw out or in the pocket, hit a receiver with velocity or touch, McNair was one of the finer QB's of our generation. Playing 11 seasons with the Oilers/Titans, and his final two with Baltimore, McNair always seemed like a poised quarterback, and I never would have dreamed to see his life end in this fashion. So, to Air McNair, thanks for the memories, and job well done.

Now let's turn our attention to the United States' hope for tennis greatness Andy Roddick. Seemingly academic in the last few years in not even reaching the final, Roddick came up big in 2009, topping English favorite Andy Murray, and taking Federer to the longest fifth set. It should be known, somehow, that Roddick won 39 games. Federer, 38. At least we can now look back to Roddick instead of James Blake and hope that one day, at the All England Centre Court, Roddick will be able to hoist the Wimbledon cup. He has made it three times to the Wimbledon final, so hopefully the fourth time around will bring more fortune.

Now, Rasheed Wallace announces he will be leaving for Boston this upcoming season for a two year deal. My god. So, the Celtics now have Pierce, Rondo, Allen, Garnett and Rasheed as a starting five? If they cannot win a championship with that that starting five, then yikes. They now have the defensive big man to battle Howard down low, and Shaq for that matter. Now, I'm a Nets fan, and I don't remember the last time we beat the Celtics in a regular season game, but with our new young 'uns in Harris, T-Will, Lee and Alston, I think our foundation is bright, but for this year, can you say rebuilding? Or clearing space for a certain King?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Braves, Bats and a Lil More.

"Well, I'll start off by saying this, do not blame that game on the defense." -Head Coach Jim Mora.

I'm sure Bobby Cox is uttering these very words to a downtrodden Atlanta Braves locker room.

In what has been one of the most inconsistent season's for the Bravos, the hitting of the Red and Whites has been God-awful. I could count the number of games they've scored more than five runs on one finger. For example, we lost Boston today 1-0. How many times can a team say they've held the Red Sox to one run? I mean, C'MON ALREADY!. Put a bat in my hand, I can try and hit a Wakefield knuckleball. There is just something about this team this year that infuriates me. Maybe it's called the Jekyl and Hyde Syndrome.

I shot the absolute worst round of golf this weekend as well at Mark Twain with a good buddy of mine, Greg "Lenny" Schiefen. Lenny played a good, round shooting a 91. I, on the other hand...a paltry 122. I usually average a 48-50 on nine, so this was welllll above my average. There's something quirky going on with my swing right now, as I seem to be pulling everything. Anyone out in the peanut gallery have any suggestions?

Now for my first annual criticism of the week, and it goes to tourists not listening or reading. I work at the Corning Museum of Glass, and tourists will ask to most ridiculous questions when the answer is either written right in front of them or has already been said or cannot be answered. For example, a dozen families have asked me, "What do we wanna do?" I DON'T KNOW!. What the hell do you wanna do? How am I going to know what you want to do? You obviously have a cluse what you want to do if you walked into the museum. Simply expecting me to know what you want to do is, just, bizarre. At least ask me something generic, like what is there to do, or is this place fun. But c'mon, when you ask me something you know I cannot answer is asking for a dumb response.

D-Mosc out.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Flicks

I have a question for each and every single one of you. Out of three of the biggest summer movies being released this summer, Terminator Salvation, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which antagonist(s) is/are the most "badass?"

Terminator Salvation: The Machines. Although non-human, the machines are perhaps the deadliest human extinguishers in movie history. With no emotion (unless you're Arnold), the machines kill at will, and it takes a dumptruck to take one down (sometimes more than that). With a futuristic arsenal at their hands, and no Schwarzeneggar to worry about this time around, just how is Christian Bale going to deal with these weapons of mass destruction?

Transformers: The Decepticons. Led by Megatron and Starscream, these beings rival Optimus Prime's Autobots, and make Shia Laboeuf and beautiful girlfriend Megan Fox run for the exits. With a desire to simply dominate earth and destroy the humans, the Decepticons are a force to be reckoned with. Cannons, missiles, guns and a bad attitude when encroaching on these robots, and could even give John Connor and his machines a run for the money.

Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort. With Ralph Fiennes looking more evil with every film, Lord Voldemort is perhaps the most disturbing character to emerge from literature since Beloved. With the relentlessness of a Sauron, and skills of a Darth Vader, Lord Voldemort ranks among my favorites as one that you both love and hate to hate. With a troubled history, you feel bad for the dark wizard. But wanting to kill a boy and his parents, maybe not so much.

All I know, if there are three protagonists I don't want to encounter, it's these three foes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random Stuff

So, I get a bunch of calls yesterday from the Hammondsport/Bath area asking me for my free hot tub. Obviously, I don't have a hot tub for free, nor did I send an ad in for one to the Hammondsport Shopper. All of a sudden, my phone is blowing up with people wanting this mysterious hot tub. I've since stopped answering these nonsense phone calls, but it was fun for about the first ten calls, then it just got straight up annoying.

I also saw The Hangover this weekend. It's probably this first time in a while seeing a comedy movie on the big screen. I must say, it didn't disappoint. Funny lines, end credits and cinematography, this movie ranks up with the Superbad's and Wedding Crasher's of our generation. I can't say Mall Cop got the same rouse out of me. A mediocre Happy Madison production, with a silly plot line that just got old after a while. Sorry, Kev James.