Saturday, June 27, 2009

Braves, Bats and a Lil More.

"Well, I'll start off by saying this, do not blame that game on the defense." -Head Coach Jim Mora.

I'm sure Bobby Cox is uttering these very words to a downtrodden Atlanta Braves locker room.

In what has been one of the most inconsistent season's for the Bravos, the hitting of the Red and Whites has been God-awful. I could count the number of games they've scored more than five runs on one finger. For example, we lost Boston today 1-0. How many times can a team say they've held the Red Sox to one run? I mean, C'MON ALREADY!. Put a bat in my hand, I can try and hit a Wakefield knuckleball. There is just something about this team this year that infuriates me. Maybe it's called the Jekyl and Hyde Syndrome.

I shot the absolute worst round of golf this weekend as well at Mark Twain with a good buddy of mine, Greg "Lenny" Schiefen. Lenny played a good, round shooting a 91. I, on the other hand...a paltry 122. I usually average a 48-50 on nine, so this was welllll above my average. There's something quirky going on with my swing right now, as I seem to be pulling everything. Anyone out in the peanut gallery have any suggestions?

Now for my first annual criticism of the week, and it goes to tourists not listening or reading. I work at the Corning Museum of Glass, and tourists will ask to most ridiculous questions when the answer is either written right in front of them or has already been said or cannot be answered. For example, a dozen families have asked me, "What do we wanna do?" I DON'T KNOW!. What the hell do you wanna do? How am I going to know what you want to do? You obviously have a cluse what you want to do if you walked into the museum. Simply expecting me to know what you want to do is, just, bizarre. At least ask me something generic, like what is there to do, or is this place fun. But c'mon, when you ask me something you know I cannot answer is asking for a dumb response.

D-Mosc out.


  1. Keep that weight on your back foot Mosc. My best bet is your way ahead of yourself. With your body being ahead of your hands your simply bound to pull the ball left with a straight pull or a duck hook. Keep that weight back on your right foot about (65-70% of it). This should work almost immediately and will at least take away the pull-hook.

    hope this helps Mosc

  2. Mott - Everyone has a bad round once in a's all mental. Go hit the range this week and slow things down.

    1.) It was a nice 2 of 3 for the Yanks last week...Cervelli's Homer sparked the Yankees to the run they are still on now. When Arod is going well, that lineup will go well, and he can get in to long streaks (one way or the other). I look for the Yanks to win the Seattle series, especially with them coming East and the Yanks having an off-day. Braves pitching can be solid I think, especially within their division, but when it comes to playing AL teams, especially from the East, they are simply overmatched. It should come down to them and the Phils, but I would be surprised to see the defending champs dethroned by an inconsistent Braves squad.

    2.) You work at a glass museum...remember think anyone really has planned out well in advance what they want to take advantage of during their stay in C-Town? Most of them don't even know where they are, let alone know what kind of glass exhibit they want to see.
