Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Flicks

I have a question for each and every single one of you. Out of three of the biggest summer movies being released this summer, Terminator Salvation, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which antagonist(s) is/are the most "badass?"

Terminator Salvation: The Machines. Although non-human, the machines are perhaps the deadliest human extinguishers in movie history. With no emotion (unless you're Arnold), the machines kill at will, and it takes a dumptruck to take one down (sometimes more than that). With a futuristic arsenal at their hands, and no Schwarzeneggar to worry about this time around, just how is Christian Bale going to deal with these weapons of mass destruction?

Transformers: The Decepticons. Led by Megatron and Starscream, these beings rival Optimus Prime's Autobots, and make Shia Laboeuf and beautiful girlfriend Megan Fox run for the exits. With a desire to simply dominate earth and destroy the humans, the Decepticons are a force to be reckoned with. Cannons, missiles, guns and a bad attitude when encroaching on these robots, and could even give John Connor and his machines a run for the money.

Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort. With Ralph Fiennes looking more evil with every film, Lord Voldemort is perhaps the most disturbing character to emerge from literature since Beloved. With the relentlessness of a Sauron, and skills of a Darth Vader, Lord Voldemort ranks among my favorites as one that you both love and hate to hate. With a troubled history, you feel bad for the dark wizard. But wanting to kill a boy and his parents, maybe not so much.

All I know, if there are three protagonists I don't want to encounter, it's these three foes.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure I will see any of these the Hollywood industry is starting to run out of decent movie ideas. They find one good movie out of a 100, then use that formula about 1,000 more times to profit every last penny out of it that they can.

    Now, having said that, I would recommend only one movie thus far this summer, and that would be The Hangover. I saw it in a packed theater about 2 weeks after it had already been out, and people were laughing out loud. My face literally hurt afterwards from laughing and smiling so much. Rarely have I ever left a movie theater wishing to go back in and see it again - but that is the way I felt this past weekend. I know this has nothing to do with your Post Daniel, but I will pump up a decent movie when I see one, and this was it. The humor was off the walls and over the top, but that's what made it funny. It really seemed like the Director let the actors pretty much say what they wanted to say..and let them ad lib much of the movie, and that's what made it good.

    I would love to see how the script compares with what was actually said in the movie. It was one of those movies where you wish you were there to witness the making of it. They probably had way too much fun making it, but I'm glad because a lot of people are getting some good laughs from it.

    Going forward, I will see Public Enemies in theaters, but beyond that, I am not sure what really looks good. Haven't we seen enough Harry Potter?
