Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ortiz, Manny, the Braves and...College Football?

Oh boy.

Miguel Tejada. Roger Clemens. Barry Bonds. Now Big Papi, David Ortiz. It seems like every month now, a new superstar is revealed to have used PED's or a banned substance. I mean, come on already. Why doesn't everyone who has taken some sort of drug, whether it be Tylenol or a Balco. drug, just come up and say it now. I mean, yes, these guys are supposed to be role models, but when almost every superstar has used the same method, it's just not a big deal anymore. Everyone pretty much knew Ortiz was using, granted his sharp decline over the past year. I know it's tainting the game and all that jazz, but I'd rather you come clean, not do it again, and keep doing what this country loves to see done: the game of baseball. As for Manny, he's done his time, so I'm gonna cut him some slack.

To my Braves, let's just the Wild Card is within flying distance. With the Phils landing Lee, I think we have a legit shot at taking the wildcard. With one of the finest starting rotations in the NL and a great closer in Rafael Soriano, the Braves bats are what needs to come through. With a great series win in Milwaukee, then a series loss in Florida, it comes now to a big home stand against the Dodgers to see where Hotlanta is headed.

Now, it's almost August, and college football is lurking. You got 2010 National Champions in 2009 the Florida Gators returning everyone, a USC team who I would love to see Florida play, a new coach in Central New York's sport's team, and a Big Ten Conference that could be won by five teams. I want reactions, and predictions for this coming season.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009 All-Star Game

Well, what can I say...the N.L. should be labeled the National Losers.

12-0-1. Digest that. 12-0-1. That seems like a hockey rivalry lopsided. But nope. The American League's dominance over the N.L. just keeps on rolling along. Whether it's late wins, like it has been the last few years thanks to guys like Adam Jones, Vladimir Guerrero, Michael Young and, of course, Mariano the Great, the National League cannot buy win.

Let's look at the game two nights ago.
Tim Lincecum, last year's Cy Young award winner, lets up two runs in two innings of work.
Albert Pujols commits an error for a run and goes 0-3 in his own ballpark.
Heath Bell gets the loss even though everyone could see it coming.

I think the only thing bad the A.L. did was not to play first time all-star Tim Wakefield. Other than that, it's what was expected from the A.L. Timely hitting, with a 7-8-9 inning rotation of Jonathan Papelbon, Joe Nathan and Marioano Rivera. The N.L. was basically done after the sixth inning. I don't even know what to say, as I'll see Francoeur in a Mets uniform for the first time tonight since leaving Hot-lanta.

-D-Mosc out.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sheed, McNair and Roddick

Well, this weekend had it's ups and downs in terms of action.

I'll start with the late Steve McNair. If there was a more underrated quarterback than air McNair, then let me know. A three time Pro Bowler and missing a Super Bowl ring by one yard, McNair was a quaterback who could do it all. Scramble, throw out or in the pocket, hit a receiver with velocity or touch, McNair was one of the finer QB's of our generation. Playing 11 seasons with the Oilers/Titans, and his final two with Baltimore, McNair always seemed like a poised quarterback, and I never would have dreamed to see his life end in this fashion. So, to Air McNair, thanks for the memories, and job well done.

Now let's turn our attention to the United States' hope for tennis greatness Andy Roddick. Seemingly academic in the last few years in not even reaching the final, Roddick came up big in 2009, topping English favorite Andy Murray, and taking Federer to the longest fifth set. It should be known, somehow, that Roddick won 39 games. Federer, 38. At least we can now look back to Roddick instead of James Blake and hope that one day, at the All England Centre Court, Roddick will be able to hoist the Wimbledon cup. He has made it three times to the Wimbledon final, so hopefully the fourth time around will bring more fortune.

Now, Rasheed Wallace announces he will be leaving for Boston this upcoming season for a two year deal. My god. So, the Celtics now have Pierce, Rondo, Allen, Garnett and Rasheed as a starting five? If they cannot win a championship with that that starting five, then yikes. They now have the defensive big man to battle Howard down low, and Shaq for that matter. Now, I'm a Nets fan, and I don't remember the last time we beat the Celtics in a regular season game, but with our new young 'uns in Harris, T-Will, Lee and Alston, I think our foundation is bright, but for this year, can you say rebuilding? Or clearing space for a certain King?